In the fourth episode of the fourth season of Mad Men, ad man Don Draper has a brief dust up with a consultant. She’s just completed her analysis of a focus group on women’s attitudes about cold cream...
Thanks to my friends at the National Business Group on Health for brightening my day!
Photo by Tatiana Vdb, Flickr Flu vaccination is important for at-risk individuals, among them pregnant women. And when pregnant women are vaccinated, the benefits extend to their unborn children as well. Despite the need...
The Atlantic reports on another study showing that financial experts do no better than the rest of us when it comes to making investment decisions. The nice part about this study was that the researchers examined how investment...
When I worked at Express Scripts, I had the chance to speak briefly to our account management team, the hundreds of people who work daily to support the needs of clients. They provide excellent consultation, solve problems...
When my oldest son, Robert, landed a full-time job as a customer service agent at a local consumer electronics company, we went out to dinner to celebrate his success. When we ordered, the server said, “That’s...
It’s clear that being fat has gotten cheaper along almost every dimension: calories cost less, unhealthy calories cost much less, food preparation costs have plummeted, some of the most costly health effects of being fat...
Great example of the “get in the flow” strategy to activate good intentions!
I was well into graduate school (and out, and then back in again) when Robin Leach busted onto the TV scene with his runaway “Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous.” If you’re too young (or old) to remember, Mr...
In my book, The Power of Fifty Bits, I explain how our brains are wired for inattention and inertia, and share seven strategies to overcome this limitation, behave better, and enjoy more positive results. As with many useful...