The New York Times reports that savvy colleges are enjoying a 25% jump in admissions applications, despite a lagging economy. The secret? Using proven principles from behavioral economics and consumer marketing sciences. ...
Jay Leno announced way back in 2004 that he would step down from The Tonight Show and hand the keys over to Conan O’Brien. (Watch for yourself.) This is pre-commitment on an impressive time frame — five years in...
As noted at LiveScience, the ability to contribute to Haitian relief via text messaging is blowing the doors off previous donations: Text-message donations, also called SMS donations, are becoming increasing[ly] popular with...
An interesting article in The Wall Street Journal says that tech giants Intel and Microsoft are teaming up to bring us interactive signs: Intel Corp. and Microsoft Corp. are promoting the idea of advanced digital signs in...
I know it’s rude to bring this up during the holidays, but it’s not that dress or those pants that make our collective rumps look big. We all know we’ve gotten fatter, and it’s happened remarkably...
Just got this automated e-mail from American Airlines reminding me of some ways I can use my frequent flier miles. Two things caught my eye: the number of miles in my account (42,061) and the following statement: You’re...
According to the British blog Ananova, two poor Hungarian “cavemen” are set to inherit their share of about $5 billion. The windfall comes after their estranged grandmother living in Germany (who apparently...
The Internet is turning 40, and to celebrate DARPA is giving away $40,000. The hitch? You have to work with others across the country to identify the specific location of 10 red balloons. The bet is that multiple solutions...
- Active Choice
- Adaptive vs. Rational
- Bias to the present
- Happiness
- Opt Out
- Self Control
- Simplify Wisely
- Social norms
Thanksgiving Tips from the Behavioral Sciences
In a Washington Post article, an interview with Dan Ariely led to the following tips for dealing with the potential food stuffage that seems to come along with Thanksgiving: Use chopsticks (or other difficult to handle...
The New York Times reports on the effect of choice architecture on tips for taxi drivers: The increase in tips, however, may have less to do with New Yorkers’ generosity than with the preset amounts suggested to passengers on...