Today’s Wall Street Journal reports on an Express Scripts study of GlowCaps, an integrated system for monitoring and improving medication adherence. Why are we excited about this study? A few important reasons: Non-adherence...
Category - Intent/Behavior Gap
I had the pleasure of speaking with Prof. Brian Wansink the other day. He’s the food genius who’s done all those funky experiments that remind me of something out of Willy Wonka (e.g., bottomless soup bowls). ...
Richard Thaler, co-author of Nudge, writes an interesting piece about the behavioral economics of organ donation for The New York Times. Research has long shown that opt-in donor registration programs result in low rates of...
Conor Clarke of The Atlantic interviews Nobel laureate Ken Arrow and touches briefly on behavioral economics: This time around it seems like you hear a lot of dissatisfaction with the rational expectations model. What do you...
There’s an interesting article in today’s Wall Street Journal underlining the interest of the Obama administration in harnessing the power of behavioral economics for positive behavior change. One key reason for the...
Last month, The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed from Peter Orszag, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, where he laid out the importance of improving the quality of health care while wringing waste...