Photo by Mark Harkin, via Flickr Virgin Atlantic Airways recently partnered with top-notch researchers at the London School of Economics and the University of Chicago in an attempt to get their pilots to save jet fuel (and the...
Category - Fifty Bits Design
Photo: DonkeyHotey via Flickr Just a couple of quick observations about how Trump is currently being framed in the 2016 US Presidential election. First, how Team Trump is framing The Donald. Then a look at how the Clinton...
Photo: frankieleon via Flickr As I’ve noted before, parents who are against vaccinating their kids not only put their own children at risk, they put other kids at risk as well. My back-of-the-envelope estimate is that this...
Photo by Gage Skidmore, Flickr Quiz time! I will give you a brief description of a movie; your job is to guess the movie. [1] Movie A: A young man and woman from different social classes fall in love aboard an ill-fated voyage at...
Photo by Tatiana Vdb, Flickr Flu vaccination is important for at-risk individuals, among them pregnant women. And when pregnant women are vaccinated, the benefits extend to their unborn children as well. Despite the need...
When my oldest son, Robert, landed a full-time job as a customer service agent at a local consumer electronics company, we went out to dinner to celebrate his success. When we ordered, the server said, “That’s...
Great example of the “get in the flow” strategy to activate good intentions!
There’s been some grumbling about how unaffordable health insurance has become under the Affordable Care Act. Most of the complaints are about the size of the deductible — how much the insured patient has to pay...
When it comes to how people take their prescription medications, there’s an enormous amount of value left on the healthcare table. That’s because for many health conditions, any one of several drugs work well. And...
Of the 10 million bits of information our brains process per second, only FIFTY are devoted to conscious thought… and that’s just barely enough to make it through this junction!