According to The Huffington Post, the president and first lady have a love-hate relationship with their pastry chef: Obama says the pastry chef makes “the best pie I have ever tasted, and that has caused big problems with...
Category - Fifty Bits Design
In a previous blog entry, I shared an interesting study by Thaler and Massey showing that teams with earlier draft picks seem to do worse than those with lower picks. Ugh! What’s going on? Thaler lists a number of...
Nudge guru Prof. Richard Thaler is at it again, digging up evidence of how bad we are at making decisions. This time he (and a Yale colleague) go after the NFL first-round draft, showing that pick order and “trade...
When James Carville was asked who he’d like to be reincarnated as, he said the bond market. If someone asked me that question this morning, I might say Apple. And the reason is laziness. I am a reasonably hardworking...
Today’s Wall Street Journal reports on an Express Scripts study of GlowCaps, an integrated system for monitoring and improving medication adherence. Why are we excited about this study? A few important reasons: Non-adherence...
I had the pleasure of speaking with Prof. Brian Wansink the other day. He’s the food genius who’s done all those funky experiments that remind me of something out of Willy Wonka (e.g., bottomless soup bowls). ...
The New York Times reports that savvy colleges are enjoying a 25% jump in admissions applications, despite a lagging economy. The secret? Using proven principles from behavioral economics and consumer marketing sciences. ...
Jay Leno announced way back in 2004 that he would step down from The Tonight Show and hand the keys over to Conan O’Brien. (Watch for yourself.) This is pre-commitment on an impressive time frame — five years in...
As noted at LiveScience, the ability to contribute to Haitian relief via text messaging is blowing the doors off previous donations: Text-message donations, also called SMS donations, are becoming increasing[ly] popular with...
An interesting article in The Wall Street Journal says that tech giants Intel and Microsoft are teaming up to bring us interactive signs: Intel Corp. and Microsoft Corp. are promoting the idea of advanced digital signs in...