Josh Barro at NY Time’s ever interesting TheUpshot offers some advice to the next Powerball winner(s): take the annuity, not the lump sum. He makes good points about tax implications that might advantage the annuity. He...
Category - Precommitment
Sounds a tad crazy, but there’s now a device that shocks you whenever it detects that you’re engaging in a habit you want to break. Here’s the pitch: MEET PAVLOK: THE FIRST DEVICE THAT BREAKS HABITS BY DELETING...
Apple iOS sports a “Do Not Disturb” feature If you’ve ever moved your alarm clock across the room so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off, you understand the difference between good intentions and good...
It’s still a bit early to tell about the details of the new debt deal churned out of Washington over the weekend. But by all signals, it’s got elements that the more passionate members of both sides of the aisle...
According to The Huffington Post, the president and first lady have a love-hate relationship with their pastry chef: Obama says the pastry chef makes “the best pie I have ever tasted, and that has caused big problems with...
Today’s Wall Street Journal reports on an Express Scripts study of GlowCaps, an integrated system for monitoring and improving medication adherence. Why are we excited about this study? A few important reasons: Non-adherence...
I had the pleasure of speaking with Prof. Brian Wansink the other day. He’s the food genius who’s done all those funky experiments that remind me of something out of Willy Wonka (e.g., bottomless soup bowls). ...
Jay Leno announced way back in 2004 that he would step down from The Tonight Show and hand the keys over to Conan O’Brien. (Watch for yourself.) This is pre-commitment on an impressive time frame — five years in...
The Nudge blog updates readers on a pilot project that seeks to reduce the carbon footprint in the United Kingdom: The residents are asked to make pledges in a face-to-face conversation with one of the canvassers who have been...
The Obama administration is throwing some serious behavioral economics at our country’s savings problems, reports The New York Times. The new initiatives are based on a healthy dose of simplicity and ease of use. Mr. Obama...