Photo: DonkeyHotey via Flickr Just a couple of quick observations about how Trump is currently being framed in the 2016 US Presidential election. First, how Team Trump is framing The Donald. Then a look at how the Clinton...
Category - Reframing
Photo by Gage Skidmore, Flickr Quiz time! I will give you a brief description of a movie; your job is to guess the movie. [1] Movie A: A young man and woman from different social classes fall in love aboard an ill-fated voyage at...
When my oldest son, Robert, landed a full-time job as a customer service agent at a local consumer electronics company, we went out to dinner to celebrate his success. When we ordered, the server said, “That’s...
Mark Leibovich’s NY Times Magazine piece focuses on how politicians tip-toe around the challenge that arises when they change a position on a high-profile issue. These sorts of changes lead to “framing wars”...
The FDA’s new anti-smoking campaign is getting kudos for a savvy approach that proponents say is likely to be more effective among teens than previous attempts. The campaign seems to leverage three key psychological...
It turns out it doesn’t take much to nudge eaters in the right direction when it comes to their food choices. And according to a new study from Harvard, those effects last as long as two years. Researchers fiddled with...
NPR’s Planet Money reports on the 100th anniversary of the birth of the US Federal Reserve. In the wake of the Panic of 1907, J.P. Morgan “persuaded” bankers from around the country to pool their resources...
When it comes to employing framing to promote positions, Washington DC is usually ground zero: troop surge, death tax, No Child Left Behind, government power grab… the list goes on and on. Framing uses words or concepts...
I gotta admit, G and I have been totally out of the Groupon loop. But a company that turns down billions from Google and plans an IPO with an implied valuation in the $20B range deserves a bit more attention. Other than...
CNN and NY Times report on the gubment’s new approach to goosing better eating: ditch the food pyramid and replace it with an easier-to-read icon based on a plate. Under the surface, there’s some decent behavioral...