In The News

27 April 2016

ENgaging leader podcast

Bob talks workforce engagement – fifty bits style – with Jesse Lahey of the “Engaging Leader” podcast.

26 April 2016

Bob explains that persuasion often falls short because our brains are mostly wired for inattention and inertia—not careful, deliberate choice… and offers a better approach based on that insight.

31 March 2016

It often feels as though we’re a nation of procrastinators. Bob explains why that’s just not the case.

16 March 2016

Bob talks behavior with Jim Blasingame at the Small Business Advocate show.

01 March 2016

Listen in as Bob chats with Manager Mojo’s Steve Caldwell to talk about how to activate the good intentions that most people already have.

25 February 2016

Evolution has left us with a strong tendency to work harder to avoid losses than to pursue gains. Bob explains how we can put loss aversion to good use.

24 February 2016


Bob talks with Life Tips podcast’s Byron White about why our brains are a little like fishes out of water, and what we can do to enjoy better behaviors.

22 February 2016

Bob shows how to use your conscious mind’s built-in bandwidth limitation (50 bits per second) to stop ruminating and get to sleep faster.

17 February 2016


A free-wheeling Q&A between Bob Morris (the Qs) and Bob Nease (the As).  Subjects range from licking frozen doorknobs to IKEA assembly guides, all tied together by business and behavior.  (Part 1)

14 February 2016

Bob explains how businesses can use fifty bits design to crack the code on customer behaviors.

13 February 2016

Check out a nice excerpt from “The Power of Fifty Bits: The New Science of Turning Good Intentions into Positive Results”

12 February 2016

Leah Eichler at The Globe & Mail interviews Bob on how to change work habits “for real this time.”

12 February 2016

LifeReimaginedLogoCleanAARP’s “Life Reimagined” Janice Holly Booth explains how to put fifty bits design to use in helping to make resolutions stick.

10 February 2016

Shawn Murphy reviews the book in his Inc. article, “7 Strategies to Get What You Really Want.”

09 February 2016

Bob joins Moe Abdou on the 33 Voices podcast to talk about how to help customers, employees, coworkers, and clients make better choices to get what they truly want.

08 February 2016

Steve Minter reviews the book in his Industry Week article, “In the Workplace: Old Brains, New Challenges and the Science of Better Behavior.”

05 February 2016

Sonja Carberry shares some tips from Bob’s book on how to improve employee and consumer behaviors.

28 January 2016

Bob explains how two parts of our brains fight with each other when we procrastinate… and how we can get them to play nice.

27 January 2016


Bob talks about the new science of behavior change with Breakthrough Business Strategy Radio’s Michele Price.

27 January 2016

Consumer engagement — is it the holy grail or fool’s gold? Bob argues that engagement is an unnatural act but that we shouldn’t lose hope in his ChangeThis manifesto.

25 January 2016

Bob shares two types of strategies for turning good intentions into positive results in this brief article for the AMA Playbook.

25 January 2016


James daSilva reviews the book, and spends some time thinking about the optimism that comes hand in hand with understanding that people are wired for inattention and inertia.

24 January 2016

eikenberry logo

Kevin Eikenberry offers a really nice review of the book on his “Leadership & Learning” website.

21 January 2016


Jeff Boss and Bob do a fun Q&A on the main ideas behind The Power of Fifty Bits.


Pamela Ritchie of Bloomberg TV Canada’s “The Daily Update” quizzes Bob on the role of patient behavior in managing prescription drug prices.  (Bob’s segment starts at about one minute into the clip.)

20 January 2016


Anne Fisher of Fortune reports on how the ideas in The Power of Fifty Bits help explain the trouble we have keeping our New Year’s resolutions… and how we can all do a bit better.

19 January 2016


Joe Donahue at Northeast Public Radio station WAMC chats with Bob about behavior, design, and how best to turn good intentions into positive results.


Roger Trapp reviews Bob’s book, with an eye towards implications for managers and leaders.


Bob Morris at Blogging on Business provides a thorough (and glowing) review of Bob’s book.

18 January 2016


Bob talks with Bill Swail of KJCE-AM in Austin about the book.

14 January 2016


Bob offers some key tips for leaders using insights from his research into and work on human behavior.

4 January 2016


Bob shares his thoughts about what to do when resolutions fail in Laura Vanderkam’s article, How to Let Go of a Goal (and Still Feel Good About Yourself).